

Thoughts: There is no person on this earth that should ever expect someone to change to be the way "they" want them to be if they are not willing to change themselves. Life is full of surprises. CHOCOLATE and WINE can be the most healing of all vices. I love my family and friends. I have missed home for the past 15 years I have been gone. Now, I miss my friends in Longview, TX. I love anything that smells good. Life is what YOU make it. Time does heal all wounds. I have had the same BEST FRIEND (besides my sister) for 25 years (love ya, Kristy Len). This is a SMALL world. I have the greatest family in the world. My brother and sister are two of my heroes. Honesty is the best policy. My cup is ALWAYS half FULL. Optimism gets you further than pessimism. Most of the time I am happy and content and the rest of the time, I am just PMS-ing (ask anyone who knows me). Wine makes me giggly. I try too hard (sometimes) to please people I love ~ when I know I should just stop trying so hard and let it be. What happens, happens. There is no amount of begging or pleading that will stop it. There is no ultimatum worth giving. Asking for someone's forgiveness is and should be harder than asking permission. When you feel like you will have to ask for forgiveness after doing something, then maybe you should reconsider doing it in the first place. Sisters do share a VERY SPECIAL bond. Brothers are the best "guys" to get advice from about guys (well, mine is anyway). Laughter is the best medicine. Trust is hard to gain, but easy to lose ~ and harder to get back each time it is broken. Some things are better left unsaid. People should not have expectations of others, when they do not have expectations of themselves. Standards are good. Being a bitch does not mean people will respect you. I can be funny when I least expect it. Life has a weird way of working things out. God truly is GREAT, beer really is good and people can be very crazy. I love my best friends' family ~ they are my family #2. Some people are FAKE. Some people may seem fake, until you get to know them. Some people are 100% genuine. I am 100% TEXAN ~ the greatest country on earth (;-). Texans are the most proud people of their state, just ask us, we'll tell you. I am a country girl at heart. I love SWEET TEA and truly believe I cannot live without it. If I were stuck on a desert island and could only have 5 things ~ those things would be: sweet tea, ice cream, lip gloss, mascara, and flip flops. I LOVE KENNY CHESNEY, GEORGE STRAIT and JIMMY BUFFETT

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